
Image credits

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‘Friendly doctor hands holding patient hand, in hospital room giving encouragement, empathy, support during medical’ image by DCStudio from

‘Nurse from hospital ward tends to sick old patient in bed’ image by DCStudio from


‘Blood, Sample, Lab image’ image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

‘Laboratory, Medical, Medicine’ image by Tatiana from Pixabay

‘Medications, Tablets, Medicine image’ by Pexels from Pixabay

‘Injection, Disposable syringe, Needle image’ by Bru-n0 from Pixabay

‘Inhaler, Breath, Asthma image’ by coltsfan from Pixabay

‘Hospital, Infusion, Drip image’ by stux from Pixabay

‘Handshake, Partnership, Agreement image’ by teamworkdefinition from Pixabay

‘Calendar, Entry, Ring binder image’ by Catkin from Pixabay

‘Course history, Analysis, Chart image’ by PIX1861 from Pixabay

‘Compass image’ by Mario Aranda from Pixabay

‘Flowers, Meadow, Sunlight image’ by Larisa Koshkina from Pixabay

Noun Project

avatar by revi abraham from the Noun Project

bell curve chart by Aidan Stonehouse from the Noun Project

blood by HideMaru from the Noun Project

classification by Iconfly from the Noun Project

data by IconLion from the Noun Project

dna by ProSymbols from the Noun Project

flow chart by Ahock from the Noun Project

outcomes by Candy Design from the Noun Project

register by newstudiodesign10 from the Noun Project

treatment by LAFS from the Noun Project