Collaborate with us

Collaborate with TRAITS


We are open to research proposals from academic, and biomedical industry research teams interested in collaborating with the TRAITS programme. (Button opens link in new tab).

Proposing new interventions

Interventions could be a repurposed drug, or a novel drug with phase-2 data on dose, and safety. As a platform trial, TRAITS uses a core protocol and trait specific subprotocols to provide necessary regulatory framework to study multiple interventions, allows new interventions to enter,  and leave the study with predefined rules. 

All requests for new interventions to be included in the TRAITS platform will be reviewed by the TRAITS Independent Therapeutics Advisory Panel (I-TAP) and the TRAITS Executive Committee (TEC).   

Initial contact to discuss possible collaboration could be either through the CI, or the Trial Manager via email (, or by completing our proposal form (opens in new tab).  

Biological studies

TRAITS has an embedded biology programme with the core aim for molecular reclassification of critical illness. We collect biological samples, to generate, and curate data on protein, cell, and transcript level biology.  

We welcome research proposals from academic, and biomedical industry research teams for biomarker discovery, and validation of theragnostic and critical illness related biomarkers. For majority of the collaboration, analyses will be performed within the labs within Edinburgh University, subject to relevant governance approvals and technical instructions and funding.    

For further information or discuss your proposal to collaborate please email the CI, or Trial Manager (

General Inquiries

If you have any enquires, email us and we will get back to you asap.

Collaborate Inquiries

If you have any enquires, email us and we will get back to you asap.